At: Mr. Hans Muller – President and Mr.Christofer Habig - Vice President
W/c 1: Mr. Yves De Clercq - Executive Director,,Miss Carmen Moreno, Miss Marie-France Grulois, Miss Marie Duran and Prof. Bernard Dennis.
W/c 2: Mr. Sérgio de Castro - CBKC President, Mrs. Márcia Carrera - BKC President, Mr. Victor Hugo Leal.
W/c 3: to about 800 email addresses around the world of kennels, breeders and lovers of true Fila Brasileiro and also for breeders who think that breed the genuine Fila Brasileiro, as well as judges and clubs all over the world, such as CAFIB (Spain), Club Onceiro (Cafib Czech Republic), CAFIBI (Italy), Cafib-USA, American Fila Clubs, The Kennel and FCI, including all representatives clubs from the FCI System and The Kennel.
Dear Friends,
Continuing our series of "Ask Uncle Chico" please find below our second chapter:
Ask Uncle Chico #2
Date: May, 7th. - 2.011
11) I understand that the so-called "black fila" was actually an invention of Procopio do Valle, obtained through crosses between pure-bred Filas with black-coat Great Danes. Still, I wonder what you would have to comment on the two major arguments presented by him in order to prove the existence of such "black-filas": the possibility of the existence of 10 pedigrees of "black fila" that he affirms were recorded into KCP and BKC books from 1946 until 1956 and the existence of the "black fila" named Zulu, bred by Mr. Chalmers?
Indeed, the "black fila" has its origin from the illegal cross-breeding mentioned by you. Subsequently, the blood of the black-coat Neapolitan Mastiff was introduced also. It should be noted however that the most common denomination [in Brazil] for today's "Dinamarques" is German Dogue(GD) or Great Dane (GD).
The issue about not accepting the so called “black fila” is old. Suffice, to say that the 25th issue of Animal & Veterinary journal of Abril,'77, published the first accusations made by Dr. Paulo Santos Cruz, duly provoked by me ... You can easily access these two letters on my website by clicking on Note that this occurred 33 years ago, Ie: shortly before the creation of CAFIB, this coat color was already negated!
a) 10 KCP and BKC Pedigrees
According to Procopio do Valle, in the span of 10 years - from 1946 to 1956 --- only these 10 few exemplars had been registered - if they had in fact been true Filas. However, there are not 10 actually, but only 5 records of black dogs, since five of the dogs listed by Procopio do Valle (that's right, a flagrant error made by Procopio Valle of nothing less than 50% ! ) there were also brindles having brown legs and others having yellow coat, as I warned him in my letter dated April,24/89. This indisputable fact is recorded in these pedigrees which I possess copies of, but it was obviously "forgotten" by Procopio do Valle, eager to commit a genetic slide and scramble in order to quickly reach a justification for the existence of the black coat color ... Therefore, throughout 10 years of records, according to the Procopian theory only 0.5 "black-filas" would be born per year! If they even were Filas...
Thus, according to this Procopio do Valle "theory": from 1956 (date of most recent of these 5 pedigrees) until 1977 there were inexplicably no records of black-filas in BKC. Therefore, Procopio Valle wants us to believe that after this huge 21 year gap, by a sleight of hand and all of the sudden, SPONTANEOUSLY AND BY THE GRACE OF CHANCE, hundreds of black-filas began to appear only and coincidentally at the Kirimaua Kennel, owned precisely by Procopio do Valle... Logically, these black dogs were quickly and gracefully accepted, without any questioning or curiosity about their origin from the directors and other BKC / CBKC "Authoritah" in the gullible, who obviously had much to increase in revenue with this new "rarity." As if the so-called "black fila" were a new 'product, model or line "... launched in the Brazilian dog "market"... Unfortunately, the evil adviser, the distant, uninterested, but always charging royalties, the lethargicFCIappears, to stamp these new pedigrees, without respecting, monitoring and enforcing their own regulations and statutes wherein the "Article 2 - Objectives" clearly states: (1) "support and promote the breeding and use of purebred dogs..." and (2) "protect and sustain the breeding of purebred dogs in the countries where FCI..."
However, if we look a little more in depth at these five remaining pedigrees brought up by Procopio do Valle, we will find that none of these five pedigrees have the registered names of great-grandparents, as in, 3rd and 4th degree relations. To weaken this false Procopian theory even further, in only two pedigrees that register 2nd degree relatives we find 6 times repeated, the names of only two dogs: Diana do Mandaqui and Marajo do Morro Grande. Therefore, if they were indeed only these two real Fila dogs or if they were merely Great Dane crossbred, or even if they were genuine Great Danes with uncropped ears as was common at that time, this whole Procopian theory becomes even more impracticable.
Interestingly, these two important details went unnoticed by a doctor such as Prof. Procopio do Valle. Who was accustomed to scientific research, perhaps in the desperate effort to "invent" a natural origin for the black coat color in the Fila breed, that suddenly came into being at his kennel ... Please note: even after I had formally and expressly warned him in April 1989 ...
So, in my view, the remaining 50% from the Procopian theory vanished. Because obviously we did not find any hard evidence of this "genetic evolution".
b) The mutt called Zulu owned by Mr. Chalmers:
Is not it true that Zulu was a true-bred Fila, as found written on the back of the photo of this dog, by Mr. Chalmers' observation "Mixed-bred of various breeds," as discovered by Mrs. Ines Van Damme, Dutch breeder residing in Spain, author of two excellent books about the breed. Therefore, we conclude that the biggest "poster boy" for the existence of the black coat color in Procopio do Valle pseudo-theory the dog Zulu, is a farce. The theory that Procopio do Valle sought to create with the backing of the integrity, seriousness and history mining of the breeder from Minas Gerais called Mr. Chalmers is simply fraudulent (see my site and click on the pages 03, 04-A and 04-B).
c) Conclusion: Both the 10 pedigrees and the dog Zulu, invented by Procopio, prove absolutely nothing. Instead, they debunk his own theory, but unfortunately, misled and deceived many "black-fila" breeders. Afterward, the "black fila" became a commercial, financial and marketing ploy, because as we all know, this is the best selling color in any market, both in fashion, style and automobiles. In other words: a lot of folks made lots of money selling the so-called "black fila" to new breeders, mainly in northeastern of Brazil, USA and México.
You can research more details about this on
12. In your opinion, why didn't the "Father of Black Fila", Dr. Procopio do Valle, not bother to actually prove the existence of "black-fila" and / or demonstrate clear scientific research that led to his recovering of this coat color, which is absent from the BKC registries 21 years ago, or since 1956?
That's right! Why wasn't Procopio do Valle, a renowned and beloved endocrinologist, interested in proving that the black dogs that suddenly, without explanation, started being born in his kennel [Kirimaua], were pure-bred dogs?
Indeed, why didn't Prof. Procopio, having had superior medical training, bother to make the scientific research produced by him public and which had led him to redeem from the remote past (21 years prior) being that not a single black-fila and was born nor registered in the BKC? Why would a scientist not bother to demonstrate and clarify his discovery, even when dealing with such a controversial issue? Why, did the Professor, instead Procopio of being proud and try to prove the genetic scientific research undertaken by him for the purpose of recovering the black-coat in the Fila breed, hide himself, not writing a single paragraph about it in his book that contains 371 pages? Why did he choose to offer only vague pictures of black dogs in this book? They are always lumbering (Neapolitan Mastiffs) or square bodied, long legged, who don't present dewlaps, showing an accentuated belly tuck (Dane-a-fila) and as atypical as his dog Tição do Kirimaua, (click to see photo which proves absolutely nothing?
In my opinion, I see only one answer: because he knew better than anyone that the so-called "black-fila" was produced by crossing a pure-bred Fila with a black coated, Great-Dane. It's as simple as that.
Note: On my site ( ) Menu "Black Dog vs. Pure-bred Fila" ( ) Several documents proving this subject are made available several documents, extensively. Priority reading:
13. What were the coat colors recognized as authentic for the Fila by John Laraya in his Hunting & Fishing Magazine article published in February of 1942?
This is the first article written about the Fila breed, it is stated: "The predominant color is dark fawn, but there are also Fire red, brindle and light fawn" (see in ).
As you can see in those days no one mentioned the existence of the so-called "black-fila".
14. Did you know about the Yandu Consortium?
Yes, I did. Unfortunately, in my beautiful city, Rio de Janeiro, in 1976, the Yandu Consortium (also called “Marajó Consortium”)was created, named after the dane-a-fila (“fila-marques”): Yandu. This dog was presented in the Brazilian media as the first "black-fila", having also won text and photo at the first page of one of the most important newspapers in Brazil: O Globo newspaper. ( e ) The consortium wanted to turn Yandu into notable stud and have his highly valued offspring sold to several countries. Fortunately, just in time they were warned by me that Yandu was a fraud. The dog was a product of a cross-breeding of a Fila with a black-coated Great Dane. Thus, this serious and honest group of businessmen from Rio de Janeiro, preferred to terminate this Consortium taking a big financial loss. That's right, friends: 33 years ago this dane-a-fila (“fila-marques”) was rejected, the so-called "black fila" ...
15) In addition to the nickname "filamarques" (dane-a-fila) that denigrates the so called "black fila" what other nicknames do you know?
Unfortunately, after "filamarques" [dane-a-fila], the nickname I created, others came, invented by several pure-bred fila owners, for the purpose of clarifying these different varieties so that began to appear coming from the mix-breeding, such as "fila-mastiff", "basset-fila"," squated-fila "and "freak-fila". I created another nickname that defines a variety that comes from the uncontrolled mixed breeding very well: the "genetic-salad-fila". To view this sad sort click on .
16) Have you ever read or do you know know where I can obtain a copy of a document (???) called the "Letter from the Dutch"? I ask this because I read comments made by some fila (with small "f"= mix-breed) breeder, on some site, that Procopio do Valle had mentioned this letter contained in it maybe there were arguments that try to prove the existence of the so-called black-fila?
I do not know of this letter. If it exists indeed I would like to know. I suggest you request it to the owner of the site where you read it or to the authors of these comments mentioned by you. I think they are responsible for proving that this letter exists. I always take responsibility for all documentation that is available on my site.
Unlike some fila breeders who claim they have read and known “EVERYTHING there is about the Fila Breed”, but really, when pressed, demonstrate that they don't even know the purpose of the Analysis of Temperament and Phenotype of the CAFIB and how it works (please click ). Which is performed with great success since its inception in 1978, in Brazil about 10 per year as well as abroad around 5, and are the foundation of the CAFIB Philosophy; because it is by going through the Analysis that these Filas are approved and the filas (always remember small "f"= mix-breed )not. I answer that I do not know of this letter ("Letter from the Dutch”) and I've never heard anything about it as a factual document.
Let me make just two more comments:
1 - I knew Procopio very well, an endocrinologist with certain prestige, which often exchanged letters and documents with me, besides having visited me about 4 or 5 times in my office in downtown Rio de Janeiro. I will not dwell on it and much less about what I came to call "The Procopian Logic" (which is absolutely not logical) nor comment on the "Father of Black-fila". If you are interested in knowing more about him under my viewpoint, I suggest you click and further on pages. 2, 3, 4 and 4B, and also in the photo .
2 - Trying to answer you as best as possible I consulted my dear Paulo Godinho, also known as "The Encyclopedia" because of its vast knowledge in dog breeding, among other things. As I have already mentioned Paulo has a wonderful collection of the Fila and will launch soon the book "Fila: A Gift from the Stars." He informed me the following below in green with my brief comments within the text of it in black:
Dear Chico,
As for this "Letter from the Dutch" I am holding the volume of A & V (the most famous and respected Brazilian Magazine about dogs in 1.970 and 1.980) # 42, Year 6, pages 43 to 45, where the article "The Long Journey from Pernambuco to Minas Gerais" authored by Procopio do Valle and from what I could ascertain is this is not a letter. From what I could investigate there is no mention of such a “Letter from the Dutch” but a short text out of a statement from the "BOARD OF 19" (a department of the Dutch Government) to the Policy Council of Pernambuco (Department of the Dutch Government) that was established in Recife, and that according to Procopio (??? - sign and marking of doubt on my part …) this was dated September 7, 1630.
From this statement, Procopio took this little snippet on magazine A & V which is in English and I translate: "300 English dogs will be sent there to be used in raids against the Brazilians and blacks, who are naked and unarmed."
However, Chico, in my opinion, Procopio declined to comment on very important data, such as:
a) The text is not clear that the dogs would be sent to "there". So, I ask: where would "there" be?
b) What "300 dogs"? What Breed? Or would they be mutts? Would they be English dogs or would they be the Dogue Fort Race so often touted by Procopio, but that is not mentioned in the text?
c) From what I understand, the people of Pernambuco, were black, white or Indian, they did not walk around in the nude and much less unarmed...
My Note: was there any proof that the aforementioned 300 dogs were even sent? If they were, how did they arrive in, say, Pernambuco? And under what conditions? Dead or Alive? Important: If there is no proof such dogs were even sent all this Procopian theory is absolutely a work of mere assumptions, without any historical evidence. If this is true it does not surprise me. Typical attitude of Procopio. The same was true with he 10 old pedigrees of the non-existent "black-fila" and the mutt Zulu (see answer number 11 below ).
Anyway, despite not feeling anything substantial about this "Letter from the Dutch", I'll try to delve into this subject in regard to its readers, requesting trusted material from the Archives from the West Indies Company, Gravenhage, the Netherlands.
Regards, Paulo Godinho
Excuse me, but I have more to comment about the lack of common sense contained in this article written by Procopio do Valle, who is also published in Portuguese in A & V # 35 Magazine, dated 1.978. Even today, trying to manage the shipment of 300 dogs of a single breed, even if by plane from London or Rotterdam, to the city of Recife in Brazil. Although both itineraries would take less than 15 flight hours, you can well imagine all the logistical difficulty and its consequences that a recruiting a shipment like this would represent today. Difficult - is it not?
Well, now imagine this same shipment of 300 dogs being ordered, rounded up, caged, transported, shipped, and fed during the journey either from England or Holland to Brazil, around the year 1660 and all necessary care needed for a long journey across the Atlantic Ocean in Caravels (*) ... !!! [*Caravel: a small Spanish or Portuguese ship of the 15th–17th centuries]. If you want to know more about the small caravels please click
Difficult, isn’t ? Perhaps this is the reason why the original text --- not written by Procopio --- states: "300 English dogs will be sent... there ". I.e.: the text does not say that these dogs were really sent. Nor to where. But the "Procopian Logic" works that way always and also in haste. Procopio does not gather these fragmented pieces of history in a responsible manner, nor does he worry of they fit together or not.
Let`s look at some other "nonsense" elaborated by Procopio - himself: further in this same article Procopio goes on to write that "The food shortage was so great that the Dutch were obliged to eat everything they could, including dogs and rats." So, according to Procopio himself article, the Dutch faced strong Brazilian resistance and were so desperate, went on to eat the same dogs that gave rise to what Procopio calls “The Cycle” that gave rise to the Fila in Minas Gerais ... Too much nonsense. Spare me ...!!!
Well, as you can see from Paulo's email above, this is how the vague, superficial and
meaningless Procopian Logic works and which some fila breeders try to preserve at any cost. You know why? Simple: because deep down their kennels are the so-called "black-filas." They are fila-breeders (with small "f"= mix-breed), which, unfortunately, prefer dogs from their own back yard property, even if a coat color does not exist and it does not belong in the Fila breed. Ultimately, in my opinion, the harm done by Procopio to our Fila is incalculable. Imagine if a European breeder wished to register a black coat color variety for the Boxer? He'd be excommunicated from the The Kennel in minutes... FCI do not know.
So do not forget: ask the author of this text that mentions the existence of the so-called "Letter from the Dutch" and the owner of the site where it was posted a copy of such letter. You got that right. After all, I take responsibility for everything I write and for everything that is posted on my site. They should be able to do the same.
17) Is there any way to quickly transform a mixed bred into a pure bred Fila?
Yes, simply apply the technique known as Photoshop ...
18) It is true that you started your breeding program with a crossbreds and that soon after that you stopped breeding?
"It's true." When I realized that I was breeding cross-breeds, not Filas and because loved the fila breed more than the cross breeds that were in my yard, I ended the Cafibra Kennel activities. And note that my dogs had BKC-FCI pedigrees and that at that time the CAFIB had not yet been established. In other words: I applied a self-made Approval for Reproduction (APR) selection, a system that Fila clubs from the CBKC-FCI system still reject establishing and implementing ... For more details, please click , in and in .
19) It is true that once you said that the mixed-breeding which occurred with the Fila much stems from the ignorance of some breeders and the BKC that more than 30 years ago did not know the English Mastiff and Neapolitan Mastiff and thus, were not able to evaluate and recognize phenotype and temperament of these breeds correctly, in fact so different from the true Fila in their details?
Yes, I said that. To them it was restricted to being ... Molossers only. It could even be discounted if a few old Fila breeders had even believed that it should improve the hindquarters of Fila. But if even if they had had this intention, the practice of mixed-breeding without permission, a program without any planning, without further control and monitoring, verification and monitoring and the practice of falsification of pedigrees in the "naive" BKC, all this was a terrible disaster really.
Just read in as other breeders wished to impose their mixed-breeds in a commercial manner to be crossed with pure Filas. And make money !!!
In addition: I do not think that it's just envy that sucks, as the saying goes. But stupidity, too. Because of this I always show the following attached poster which says: “'to air is humen, to perssist in errar is stuped”…
Note: translated with spelling mistakes, just as it was misspelled on the poster attached by an illiterate Brazilian popular ...
20) Why do you think Brazilians do not recognize the true value of the preservation of a National Wildlife animal such as the Fila Brasileiro?
Perhaps because the dog is seen only as a pet, not useful outside to be a companion, which is not the case with Fila. Perhaps, because we are accustomed to the very Brazilian mutt, so dear to us all. Perhaps, because dogs are seen as something for rich folks. But certainly, silliness , for many Brazilians are concerned with preserving the golden lion tamarin and the yellow-chin alligator from the hinterland of Brazil, our turtle from the Northeast, the seal and the whale in the oceans and even the Panda Bear right here in China ... So why not worry about the extinction of Fila?
But I firmly believe that in the future, the tireless recovery work done by CAFIB and many breeders around the world, who share with our CAFIB Philosophy, i.e., the improvement and preservation of the Fila Breed, keeping it from extinction, having no governmental support nor from the CBKC/FCI and some clubs who say they are Fila but, in reality breeding mostly filas (remember: the queue with "f"= mixed-bred) will certainly be recognized.
NOTE: The "Ask Uncle Chico # 1" is already available on my website in both Portuguese ( and in English ( ) Soon the same will happen with this "Ask Uncle Chico # 2". Also said that the "Ask Uncle Chico #. 3" is already completely ready, awaited only the translation into English is completed. Plus, we're already responding to question No. 34 of "Ask Uncle Chico # 4"!
Translated by Ligia Morris, Costume Designer & true Fila breeder – Canil Boiadeiro do Jatobá (MG – Brazil and NY-USA).
The End # 2