Fila Brasileiro, Francisco Peltier, Cão de Fila Brasileiro, Fila, CAFIB - Clube de Aprimoramento do Fila Brasileiro
Fila Brasileiro, Chico Peltier, Francisco Peltier, Cão de Fila Brasileiro Fila, CAFIB - Clube de Aprimoramento do Fila Brasileiro Fila Brasileiro, Chico Peltier, Francisco Peltier, Cão de Fila Brasileiro Fila, CAFIB - Clube de Aprimoramento do Fila Brasileiro Fila Brasileiro, Chico Peltier, Francisco Peltier, Cão de Fila Brasileiro Fila, CAFIB - Clube de Aprimoramento do Fila Brasileiro
Fila Brasileiro, Chico Peltier, Francisco Peltier, Cão de Fila Brasileiro Fila, CAFIB - Clube de Aprimoramento do Fila Brasileiro Fila Brasileiro, Chico Peltier, Francisco Peltier, Cão de Fila Brasileiro Fila, CAFIB - Clube de Aprimoramento do Fila Brasileiro

AAF ou AAFreire - Antonio Alves Freire (criador e fundador CAFIB-Rio)
AC ou ACampbell – Airton Campbell (arquiteto, fundador e dirigente do CAFIB)
AC ou ACardoso - Américo Cardoso (pecuarista, fundador, dirigente e criador do CAFIB
ACanizza - Augusto Canizza (criador e fundador CAFIB-Rio)
ACLBorges - Antonio Carlos Linhares Borges, antigo juiz e criador de FB de MG, "O berço do Fila". Autor do livro "CFB - Preservação do Original". 
A. C. Mendes ou ACM ou Toninho - jornalista Antônio Carvalho Mendes
A Crítica - Jornal do Norte do Brasil
AFR - Antonio Fernando Ribeiro - escultor, esculpiu do Troféu IS de Temperamento
AL - Alemanha
Antonieta Santos Cruz - Mãe do Fila, criadora e esposa de Paulo Santos Cruz
ASLima ou Antonio Lima - Antonio Silva Lima (engenheiro, ex-Presidente do CAFIB)
A&V - Revista Animais & Veterinária
AVerlangieri ou AV - Arthur Verlangieri (criador e fundador do CMCFB)
BLT = Boca Livre Total...
CA - Carta Aberta
CABP ou CABPereira - Carlos Alberto Barroso Pereira (criador do Cafib – JF – MG)
CAFIBE - Clube dos Amigos delo Fila Brasileiro en España
Carlos Celestino - engenheiro, criador de fila e colunista (AM e PA)
Carlos Feijó ou CF - criador e fundador do CAFIB-Rio
CFM - Club fur Molosser
C. Habig - Christofer Habid (criador, juiz e dirigente alemão – “amante do fila puro”)
- Willian Frederich Chalmers (uns dos precursores do FB, Canil Jaguará-MG)
Claudio Fontes - Canil dos Pampas, Rio.
CMCFB - Clube Mineiro de Criadores de Fila Brasileiro
CP ou CPeltier - Chico Peltier
DN - Jornal Diário de Notícias (jornal da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro)
Domingos Setta - Presidente BKC
EBJaques ou EBJ - E. B. Jaques (jornalista do Jornal Zero Hora - RGS)
EHPL ou Lucena - Eugênio Henrique Pereira Lucena (ex-presidente BKC)
EMontes - Enio Montes (criador de fila filiado KCP, mas proprietário Mastiff)
Erwin Waldemar Rathsam - juiz,veterinário, dirigente KCP, assinou o 1º Padrão do CF
Estadão ou Estado - Jornal O Estado de São Paulo
FB ou CFB - Fila Brasileiro
Fila com "F" maiúsculo - Fila puro
Fila com "f" minúsculo - fila mestiço, misturado, filamarques ou bastardo.
Filamarques - palavra depreciativa criada por Francisco Peltier, com o objetivo de apelidar os filas mestiços provenientes da mestiçagem de Fila com Dinamarques preto.
FP - Francisco Peltier
FPQ - Francisco Peltier de Queiroz
FRValle - Fabio Rodrigues Valle (pediatra, criador de Goiás)
FZCoelli - Fernando Zanetti Coeli (criador e ex-Presidente CAFIB)
Hildegard Angel (Perla Sigaud) - colunista de O Globo
IACorrea ou IAC - Ivan Alves Correa (criador de Brasília)
IS ou ISued - Ibrahim Sued (Grande fotógrafo, jornalista e colunista)
IVD ou I. Damme - Ines van Damme, escritora, criadora, Canil Los Tres Naranjos - Espanha.
Jacob e Andréa Blumen, - Canil Curumaú - Rio
JB - Jornal do Brasil, Rio, Brasil
JBGomes ou João B. Gomes - João Batista Gomes (proprietário de Mastiff)
JH ou JHamilton - José Hamilton – criador de MG
João e Telê - João Saldanha e Tele Santana, magistrais técnicos de futebol, enquanto que Dunga... ah, deixa pra lá...
JTI - Jonas Tadeu Iacovantuono (criador e fundador CAFIB-Guaratinguetá)
JSports - Jornal dos Sports (RJ)
Julio Mesquita - jornalista e um dos controladores do Estadão
KCP - Kenel Clube Paulista
LAM ou Luiz Maciel - Luiz Antonio Maciel (jornalista e fundador do CAFIB)
Leonardo Boff - Teólogo, precursor da Teologia da Libertação
L. Hermanny ou LH - Luiz Hermanny (empresário e juiz de FB)
MA e M. Agricultura - Ministério da Agricultura
MCanizza - Marilia Canizza (criadora e fundadora CAFIB-Rio)
Medalha Pedro Ernesto - Condecoração do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
M. Machado - Marcio Matta Machado (criador de Minas Gerais)
MM - Molosser Magazin (importante revista de cinofilia alemã)
MP ou MPentagna - Marília Pentagna (Canil Boa Sorte, membro da CAFIB-Rio)
O Globo ou Globo - Jornal O Globo, Rio, Brasil
O. Miranda ou OM - Oscar Miranda Filho (ex-Presidente BKC)
Oswaldo Fidaldo - biólogo e criador de FB
PAngotti - Paulo Angotti (criador de MG, ganhador de Melhor Canil do CAFIB)
Pasquim - sensacional jornal carioca escrito pelos jornalistas  Ziraldo, Jaguar & Cia. na época da Ditadura Militar
P. R. Godinho ou PRG - jornalista e “poeta” Paulo Roberto Godinho
P. S. Cruz ou PSC - Paulo Santos Cruz, O Pai do Fila
PV ou P. Valle - Procópio do Valle (Canil Kirimaua, defensor da cor preta no fila)
RBittencourt - Renato Tarquinio Bittencourt (criador de Brasília)
Rev - Revista
Rev. A&V - Revista Animais & Veterinária de Paulo Salles (RJ)
Rev. ACVeterinária - Revista Atualidades Caninas e Veterinárias
RBoechat - Ricardo Boechat (jornalista, coluna Carlos Swann, O Globo)
RI - Registro Inicial
Rivelino - Tricampeão Mundial de futebo
Roberto Marinho - diretor e controlador O Globo
R. Wilkens - Rolf Wilkens , proprietário de Andamor d`Alma Vedro, Alemanha
SB - raça São Bernardo
SMonteiro - Sebastião Monteiro (o “Trator”,criador e fundador CAFIB-Guaratinguetá)
Souto Maior ou JSMB ou JSMaior Borges - advogado, criador e dirigente do CAFIB
VDH - da Alemanhã, equivalente ao BKC ou CBKC
Vera Fisher - uma deusa, linda artista de TV e Cinema
VLLima - Vicencio Lomba Lima (criador e fundador CAFIB-Rio)
Walter Poyares - alto executivo Organizações Globo
WBacconi – Walter Bacconi (arbitro BKC)
ZBA ou Zózimo B. Amaral - Zózimo Barroso do Amaral (colunista do JB)




My friends,


Some Answers and Comments
about Mail I Received on my site
and the lethargy of the FCI - Nov.09 




Some ers, unhappy with the fact that they own crossbreds with Fila pedigree (as you may know I write "capital "F" Fila = Pure-bred,  while the small "f" = mixed-bred), tend to attack CAFIB, Dr. Paulo Santos Cruz, CAFIB Judges, ers, Ms. Ines van Damme and Chico Peltier, also. Some have even tried to deny the existence of mix ing, which was already formally acknowledged in writing by Mr. Eugene Henrique Pereira de Lucena, former President of CBKC, known as the Highest National Canine Expert during the years of dictatorship in Brasil.  and also by Professor Proc�pio Valle,

apologist for the so-called black Fila that I have dubbed the "filamarques".

To that, I always answer by asking these unhappy people:  Why don't you go complain to the Honorable Joao Batista Gomes, to Proc�pio Valle and �nio Montes, as well as to Mrs. Clelia Kruel; who wrote 4 books about the Fila and never once mentioned mix-ing? Why don't you go complain even further to the CBKC and specially to the FCI; which have both made a substantial amounts of money from registering thousands of pedigrees to crossbred dogs resulting from mix-ing the Fila?

 After all my friends, who is responsible for this farce? Who is responsible for having deceived so many ers of good faith? We at CAFIB, that exposed this unregulated and illegal mix ing since mid-1970? Or was it JBVMCruel along with the CBKC/FCI;  who according  to their own  regulations,   should  protect the Fila by

only registering purebred dogs in their Official Registry Books?

2. PURE [Bred] Fila:

Many ers ask me what exactly do I mean when I use the term "Pure [bred] Fila" on my site.  My response, with due support of the first President of CAFIB, Architect and er Airton Campbell, is extremely simple and straightforward as well as very constructive:  I am referring to the pure bred, true-bred, real, authentic, traditional, ancient, original, cattle-dog, big-headed dog, the national leopard dog and every Fila that GOT APPROVED and GETS approved by the CAFIB Standard.

The Filas that are approved by CAFIB may receive the following qualifications: EXCELLENT, Very Good, Good and Regular. They may be approved with exceptions or with out  them.      Remember,  based on the  CAFIB  criteria  it  is  very  rare  to  find an

exemplar considered Excellent.

And that is the end of that! That is my personal position and that which is my website's position of what the dog I name a Pure-bred Fila is. I humbly believe nothing rests to doubt.


What's left to do is improve, enhance and improve.

Many people call themselves ers but, in fact, they have just recently acquired a pair of Filas and believe their very first litter will generate a super-duper-dog-show-champion. They erroneously believe that in 2 or 3 years they will "fabricate" perfect Filas. Worse than that, the vast majority think their ing stock is better, in fact, far better than at other kennels. 

Thirty years for humans is a lot. However, it is nothing for a that was cross-bred systematically and without control by Jo�o Batista do Valle Monte Cruel (= JBVMKruel.) , while having the connivance and complicity of CBKC and more importantly of the FCI, who never took a position on this serious subject! 

At least the Almighty Eugenio Henrique Pereira de Lucena, in office and after his presidency in CBKC was sincere enough to acknowledge this very serious error. Just log on to the link my site: There you can read his [Mr. Lucena's] letter dated 12/08/1983. This letter was sent to Molosser Magazine readers. Mr. Lucena, then President Lucena, delivered this letter at his residence in person, to Mr. Christopher Habig and I. President Lucena, whom I have both argued and disagreed while maintaining the most cordial relationship, went even further. Just visit the links: and . Read the Preface that he drafted exclusively for the excellent author from Minas Gerais, Antonio Carlos Linhares Borges (Kennel Caramon�).


But make no mistake; it was not only the former President Lucena, albeit remorseful,  who denounced illegal cross ing in the Fila , but also, the well-known Professor Proc�pio do Valle. Prof. Proc�pio do Valle; the only author in the world who can visualize a pure-bred Fila Brasileiro in any black dog regardless of phenotype and temperament, also recognized and denounced uncontrolled ing females Filas with English Mastiff males in Sao Paulo. This fact is mentioned in his own article that was published in the 1978-1979  Yearbook of Animals & Veterinary Journal, pg. 86. If you have enough courage to access my site, go to the link:

To complete this reasoning further, I suggest clicking another link on my site:

There you can read the letter from the Paulista Kennel Club, dated Sep, 11th11/1978, announcing the ing of English Mastiffs during the same period, also, the same city - Sao Paulo. More importantly, who their ers were. Do you have any idea Who those ers were? They were Mr. Jo�o Batista Gomes and Mr. �nio Montes.


In continuation, I reiterate: the name of the game is IMPROVEMENT.  This is the verb to be read and to be practiced to the extreme by all the "true" and "pure" ers of the true Fila.
Many want a pure bred Fila, but forget to it with purity, integrity and determination. The most sterile polemics that do not lead to anything or anywhere are prevalent in the Fila forums! However, in contrast, our link, our connection, our glue and mortar is the Fila. For the Fila's sake, we have to respect views and spaces that are sincere. We should make friends, unite extremes, diminish differences. As I wrote in the past "What's most important is the Fila!" Dogs, Kennels and ers, will pass on, but the Fila will remain forever.

Alias, as a matter of justice, I need to mention that it was precisely this philosophy dictated by the phrase What's most  important is the Fila, which guided us in the foundation of CAFIB and united us all as if we were childhood friends. What was good for the Fila was good for our group. And do not think everyone heard our dear late Mentor Paulo Santos Cruz or our beloved Aunt Antoinette (his wife) blindly. Issues were democratically discussed and solutions were reached regularly as the primary focus of our group was solely the Fila. OUR FOCUS WAS THE FILA! Of course: the primary focus still remains. CAFIB founding members, such as Airton & Rosely Campbell, Am�rico Cardoso & Cleide dos Santos, Luiz Antonio Maciel, Antonio Silva Lima, Jose Souto Maior Borges, Roberto Maruyama, Arthur Verlangieri and, somewhat later, Fernando Zanetti Coelli were not soft on the issues. They were all very independent, had their jobs and loved the Fila. No one lived (or lives) off of litter sales. Everyone had their own opinions and "bit" very well. Nonetheless, our common goal was the Fila and everything got resolved and the group got strongly united against JBVMCruel, the CBKC and the FCI.


As I write, I recall that in early 1980, I once spoke with President Lucena in his office at the former headquarters of BKC later the CBKC, on the 13th floor of Debret Street No. 23, in downtown Rio de Janeiro. As he so often did, he gently said to me --- "Chico, forget it. The CAFIB has good ideas, but like many other dissident clubs, it will disappear." The Fila, the CAFIB and our union won! Too bad President Lucena is no longer with us. In reality, despite many disagreements and arguments, we always liked each other.


I also remember that the alliance in CAFIB was such that I spoke to Dr. Paulo, Airton Campbell and Luiz Antonio Maciel  several times even while working in London, to write and sign my  Open Letter  (which I mention below).   I would never let that nuclear

bomb loose without the support of my friends in CAFIB ...

Furthermore friends, appreciate the Fila Brasileiro more than the individual Filas or filas that are in your homes and farms. With this alone, our Fila; rescued from extinction through the hard work CAFIB has done for years, will be perpetuated forever.    I am  absolutely  certain  that  in  a  few  decades  from  now,   the Fila  will be

regarded as it truly should around the world, despite the FCI.

3.1. Brazilian Justice in the Age of Dictatorship versus the Ministry of Agriculture:

The other day I received an email with the biggest non-sense joke I have ever read about our Fila.  Someone was trying to develop a lame pseudo-theory that, if mix ing had actually occurred, why is it that Dr. Paulo Santos Cruz; a very intelligent and literate person, also a lawyer, did not to court against the mix ers and the BKC/CBKC
? You see, this supplicant wishes to deny the existence of mix ing by placing the responsibility of its negation on Dr. Paulo, since he did not go after the mix ers in Court during the 1970's. That's right! I wonder in which distant planet this supplicant was living on during the mid-1970's? Was this supplicant ever informed that our Brazil found itself in deep military dictatorship at that time? Who would give any importance to a dispute between "dog folks"? For the love of god, in which galaxy did this supplicant live in (and in which galaxy does he live now)? I recommend that the younger people go to the movie theaters in the coming weeks to watch the excellent Barreto Family (*) feature called "Lula, the Son of Brazil." In this film, youngsters can acquaint themselves with the lighter things that happened during those days of authoritarianism. Also, do some Google searches and read some history; among many other related subjects, about Fernando Gabeira, Carlos Marighella, Juscelino, Lacerda, Prof. Manoel Mauricio, Cabo Anselmo, Vladimir Herzog, Golbery, Rubens Paiva, Vladimir Palmeira, Doi-Codi, CENIMAR, AI-5, UNE (from that period, for God's sake) and the March of the One Hundred Thousand here in the City of Rio de Janeiro.
Now my friends, it's clear that neither Dr. Paulo nor CAFIB would bring this matter to court. Especially because this was not the appropriate forum as you will soon see below.


Read carefully, Mr. Supplicant: either you forgot or you did not study your lesson well, unknowing of the he "flip-side" of this silly fabrication; as I said in the title; that does not explain or justify. Whether you would like it or not, sir, there is the other side of the coin, the other side of the fence ... That's right ... We did not go to court, just as the BKC and later its successor; the CBKC, as well as the FCI, did not enter in court against the CAFIB or against Dr. Paulo Santos Cruz,  even against me as well. Since after several complaints made by me, on August , 3RD, 1978 , I finally wrote my Open Letter from London listing all possible complaints at that time (see on my site): + 4 pages) I included a printed photo of Mr. Jo�o Batista Gomes, then President of the Paulista Club of Fila Brasileiro with his English Mastiff (Willy)!. Do your homework Mr. Supplicant: the covers of the masterful "O FILA" bulletins issued by CAFIB; whose editor Luis Antonio Maciel,   Journalist, was one of the founders of CAFIB, alone would

be grounds for dozens of lawsuits ... Its contents, hundreds of  lawsuits...

That's right, Mr. Supplicant, Your Excellency has forgotten that based on the SAME REASONS REPORTED BY YOU, THE BKC/ CBKC and even the toxic and harmful FCI --- regarding the Fila Brasileiro -- also could have gone to court against us!
Therefore, Mr. Supplicant, why is it that the BKC/CBKC and FCI did not go to court against the revolutionaries, dissidents and stubborn Cafibeans, since they had the very same right to go to court against us? My answer: because the most adequate and logical forum was another. The forum was the appropriate Ministry of Agriculture (MA). It was just the MA which granted the BKC / CBKC, totally ignoring the distant and silent FCI,   the right to register dogs,   pedigrees  and to  make a lot of money with this

service. Got it now, Mr. Supplicant?
Well I'll tell you more, you know who appealed to the Ministry of Agriculture (MA)? That's right, Mr. Supplicant, it was the CAFIB , not the BKC / CBKC, much less the distant FCI. The BKC / CBKC only was the defendant, that defended itself and then turned the tables with the support of military coup generals, ministers and friendly businessmen and accomplices in an indecent lobby... If you doubt that, Mr. Supplicant,

just click on link in my site:

In it, Your  Excellency can read and amaze yourself at the purely technical decision in favor of the Cafib  which on April, 23RD, 1980 , published in the Official Gazette of our country, the order that "... provides for the granting of the records and measures the CAFIB pled ... "


Through these documents, you may infer that the experts of the MA preferred the CAFIB solution and this had already been published in the Official Gazette, granting the CAFIB EXCLUSIVE rights to control and record the Fila Brasileiro throughout the national territory. The CBKC had no choice but to throw down, via its lobby; with ministers, military heads and businessmen, requesting that dogs no longer be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture. That's right: the CBKC, finding itself lost and beaten by the CAFIB, chose to plead before their lobby, the removal of the MA from of regulating canines. Just note that all animals having organized ing in our country ultimately respond to the MA; such as birds, horses, cattle, pigs, etc. and are still regulated by the MA. Thus, the dogs were the only exception. However, the CBKC, for be expelled from the MA lost the exclusivity of being the only entity with powers granted by the Brazilian Government, through the MA with the exclusive right to the registry of dogs and since the MA solemnly ignores the FCI. This is precisely why the CAFIB records  their own  litters and issues  their own  pedigrees, to date, without ever

violating any rule of law.
It's all there. It is only a question of Mr. Supplicant doing a little investigating and / or he should stop trying to make fools of his associates. Therefore, Mr. Supplicant, a new note for your notebook: There has not been such a thing as Official cynophily ??? since 1980! The anticipated Official cynophily has been properly buried. Do you have any idea by whom? No, it was not the CAFIB. She was buried by the CBKC, due to confusion and worked out by an authoritarian President and a Board of silent and complacent in face of the Ministry of Agriculture.

3.2. Racism in Fila (what a desperate attempt!)

Trying to take the focus of discussion on the mix ing and the existence of a black cross s having Fila pedigree to a field unimaginable hitherto, certainly aiming to continue deceiving ers and Associates, another supplicant, Mr. Supplicant II, hiding behind a totally disconnected argument: - "Not to accept a black Fila means one is a racist. Oh, my God, just laughing this one off... This is an even greater appeal. Such  complete  and  utter nonsense:   this also does  not  explain  or  justify  and  also

insults our intelligence!
Well my friends, the whole civilized world knows it is not correct and certainly not an example to compare human beings. We in Brazil are so proud of the fusion of all races, in fact it is so characteristic of our Brazil. In organized animal s that must obey regulations and standards as well as pre-established goals, individuals can only be mated (and not crossed. Do you know the difference, Mr. Supplicant II?) AMOGNST EACH  OTHER,   that is, within  he same  ,  which is not  the case, Thank God,  for

human beings.
Mr. Supplicant II, if  you continues stubbornly disagreeing with me, I suggest that you do the following: jot a little email to the FCI for permission to cross a German Shepherd with a Dobermann, and then a brindle Boxer with a black Great Dane.. and, if you don't receive permission  then  you  can  accuse the  managers of the FCI of being

racists too, ok?
Hello, hello Mr. Supplicant II: A brindle Boxer crossed with black Great Dane, does that remind you of some trickery? Does that remind you of the "filamarques" (dane-a fila)?
Do you believe that Mr. Supplicant II, that even more lost and stumbling in false arguments against me recently was snapped by email: --- "Mr. Francisco tell me one thing, are you a Brazilian? What is the racial profile of your last 3 generations? ". This unfortunate Supplicant II then received the following plain answer from me: --- "I'm very Brazilian yes and very proud of  it! And my blood is very mixed. After all I am the son of two people from Bahia. I'm the grandson of two people from Bahia, in addition to one Portuguese and one French. Besides that, some generations way back, I inherited the excellent blood of black Africans and native Indians. Still further inherited the blood from the Jewish and Moorish Iberia. Therefore, on reflection, I think I'll ask the FCI for a pedigree for me ... After all, with regard to registering "mixed bred" the FCI knows very well about.


4. CBCK and FCI:

If the staff that currently controls CBKC was a bit smarter and had less pride and arrogance, they would understand that they never had a greater involvement with the mix ing itself in Fila . The current managers of CBKC inherited this situation from the past. Whose most important and powerful management was precisely that of the President Lucena, which expressly recognized twice the mix ing. Therefore, they are in the privileged position to address and to try to solve this problem that has lasted nearly 40 years. Now, attention: they need to wake up and work, because after all must do to something to deserve so many benefits and perks.
Please allow me to make a suggestion? The CBKC should look right there in the bucolic neighborhood of the Botanical Gardens, here in the city of Rio de Janeiro, for a guy named Paulo Roberto Godinho. For those who do not know, this is one of the biggest cynophily experts in the world. Our dear Godinho has the solutions for the mix of CBKC and FCI ... The Grand Paulo Godinho has a great solution for the so-called black Fila, also know as  filamarques [dane-a-fila]... With all due respect, just lift your butts off those chairs, as our President Lula says... All it takes is for the CBKC to surround themselves with people who really understand and are competent, leave the bureaucrats and brown-noses alone. By doing so, the trustees of the CBKC, would not come to the same uncomfortable position that President Lula often faces by being poorly advised, when he is forced to keep repeating: --- "I do not know, I wasn't aware".  After all, registered with the CBKC, there are hundreds of great Filas. Many also have the CAFIB the pedigree... Furthermore: many CBKC Filas have running in their veins the blood of Cafib approved Filas, as the falsification of pedigrees also occurs for the good... That's right: there are also falsified papers belonging to CBKC dogs, which are a product of a Cafib mating... Well, friends, real life is very different from the world of titles on paper, stamps, pedigrees and bureaucracy, be it in the rooms of CBKC here in Rio de Janeiro or in the halls of suits of the FCI in Thuin, Belgium. Is this a surprise? That's right: many CAFIB dogs were used by CBKC ERS to "improve" their FILAS ... That's what I always say, no point in sitting there  at  the  CBKC and  in FCI headquarters,  because  the real  world,  "out here",  is

unstoppable and dynamic...

Merry Christmas!

Two developers are preparing two excellent new works  about the Fila Brasileiro. If they are ready on time, they will be sent to all of you as a special gift for Christmas and New  Year's Eve event. If they aren't, I take this opportunity to wish all of you, including

 Supplicant and Supplicant II, a Merry Christmas and a great 2010!
But, caution:


a) As I had  written  in  1977,   the Fila Brasileiro,  for  being Brazilian, does not need an

English accent nor a Neapolitan accent, let alone a Danish one...

b) it also can go without an omissive FCI which is not proactive and that, ultimately, in the last 35 years never concerned itself about the pure-bred Fila. Rather, it represents little for our case. My friends, after all, in the  specific case of the Fila Brasileiro, the FCI - F�d�ration Internationale Cynologique, founded in 1911, doesn't even respect its own statutes; wherein the "Article 2 - Objectives" is clearly drawn: (1) "support and promote the creation and use of purebred dogs ... "and (2)" protect and maintain the creation of purebred dogs in the FCI countries ..." In other words: in Brazil, the FCI tore their own statutes apart, forever staining their records! But, they certainly profited at that... Maybe before the FCI completes its100 years in existence, they might lose this state of profound lethargy and wake up ashamed, decide to pay attention to the crime of mix ing in the Fila and stop disrespecting their own statutes?

Well, my friends, last two facts:


- Yesterday,  Nov,29th, my site Released March last hit the incredible number of duly audited of 24.193 pviews.


- In the coming days this text will be available on my site on "Information in English", link # 30-9 - Nov, 30th. 2009 - Some answers. and the lethargy of FCI - by F. Peltier"




Note: Translated by Mrs. LIGIA MORRIS, costumes designer (in USA), Fila er, owner of  Boiadeiro do Jatob� Kennel and organic farmer (in the Minas Gerais, Brazil.)



Merry Christmas!

Chico Peltier.


Fila Brasileiro, Chico Peltier, Francisco Peltier, Cão de Fila Brasileiro Fila, CAFIB - Clube de Aprimoramento do Fila Brasileiro
Fila Brasileiro, Chico Peltier, Francisco Peltier, Cão de Fila Brasileiro Fila, CAFIB - Clube de Aprimoramento do Fila Brasileiro Fila Brasileiro, Chico Peltier, Francisco Peltier, Cão de Fila Brasileiro Fila, CAFIB - Clube de Aprimoramento do Fila Brasileiro